Today was the big day for our blogger group, Service Soapbox.
We're a group of bloggers (duh!) who want to make the world a better place.
Today was our first official event. A baby shower to benefit the March of Dimes.
Check out all the loot we brought in for them!

This cake was make and donated by Amber from Amberlicious Cakes.

The decorations were equally impressive.

Seriously though, her blog is amazing.

Someday you should ask me what we did after the shower with silicone breast implants.

Ashley eating a delicious cupcake. We were on a sugar high for hours!

I wonder who told them about the event...? LOL.
Brooke Walker was there in the flesh, but I forgot to get a picture with her. (But it's not like I don't see her every other day of the week.)
Watch Studio 5 Monday at 11 to see her report. I'll post the story after they air it on Monday.

Greatest amount of children born to one woman – 69 children by a Russian woman in the 1700’s. She had 27 pregnancies and gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets
Oldest woman on record to have a baby (naturally or with a doctor's help) – 70 years old, she had twins in 2008
Oldest man to get a woman pregnant - A farmer in the Indian state of Rajasthan, fathered his 21st child at the age of 90!
Youngest girl to get pregnant and have a baby - Lina Medina (born
Youngest father – 13 years old British kid in 2009
We also gave prizes to the woman with the most kids, the longest labor, shortest labor, longest time between kids, shortest time between kids, etc.

I should also mention the whole thing was planned over e-mail. The committee never actually met in person.
That's Blogger Power!
***UPDATED: Here's the story that aired TWICE on KSL! Once on Studio 5 and once in the 4 o'clock news!
So inspiring! Next time, I want in!